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bloom floral design in Decatur & Atlanta GA

Here's how we are being environmentally conscious in Atlanta/Decatur, GA:


*We work almost exclusively with Halls Wholesale which is located only 4 miles from the studio.


*Flower growers are working to produce more organic, sustainable, biodynamic and fair trade product.


*Flowers are packaged in plastic sleeves or cardboard boxes.  All of this packaging is recycled.


*After designing, all stem and leaf refuse is collected in brown yard waste bags and composted.


*All water used to hydrate flowers is then reused to nourish our personal garden and landscape.


*When needed, rental vans are flex fuel vehicles.  Rental location is 3 miles from the studio.


*We have a large collection of vases, lanterns, votives, etc. for rent.


*All bridal contracts and conversations are done via email.


*Revised/final proposals are printed on recycled paper.


*All advertising is done on-line.  


*Biz cards are printed on recycled paper.

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